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简单 sql

2.1 传入参数

(1) 可以传入一个 JavaBean

int insertUser(User bean);

(2) 可以传入一个 Map

int insertUserByMap(Map<String, Object> map);

(3) 可以传入多个参数,需使用@Param("ParamName") 修饰参数

int insertUserByParam(@Param("id") String id, @Param("name") String name, @Param("age") int age);
2.2 Insert,Update,Delete 返回值

接口方法返回值可以使用 void 或 int,int 返回值代表影响行数

  2.3 Select
  • sql 中 as 改名
  • 使用@Results 处理映射

@Result(property = "provinceId", column = "province_id")

    @Select("SELECT * FROM city where city_name = #{cityName}")
// 返回 Map 结果集
@Results({@Result(property = "id", column = "id"),
@Result(property = "provinceId", column = "province_id"),
@Result(property = "cityName", column = "city_name"),
@Result(property = "description", column = "description")})
City findByName(@Param("cityName") String cityName);

对于 resultMap 可以给与一个 id,其他方法可以根据该 id 来重复使用这个 resultMap

@Results(id="userResults", value=)


 @Results(id="userResults", value={
@Result(property="id", column="t_id"),
@Result(property="age", column="t_age"),
@Result(property="name", column="t_name"),
   User selectUserById(@Param("id") String id);

@Select("select t_id, t_age, t_name "
+ "from sys_user "
+ "where t_name = #{name} ")
   User selectUserByName(@Param("name") String name);

动态 sql

   + "<if test='achieveStatus == &quot;yes&quot;.toString()'>and c.achievedate IS NOT NULL </if>"
+ "<if test='achieveStatus == &quot;no&quot;.toString()'>and c.achievedate IS NULL </if>" + "</if>"
+ "<if test='achieveStart != null and achieveStart != &quot;&quot; and achieveEnd != null and achieveEnd != &quot;&quot;'>and date(c.achievedate) between #{achieveStart} and #{achieveEnd} </if>"