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$ yarn ngcc --help

--version 显示版本号 [布尔]
-s, --source A path (relative to the working directory)
of the `node_modules` folder to process.
[默认值: "./node_modules"]
-p, --properties An array of names of properties in
package.json to compile (e.g. `module` or
Each of these properties should hold the
path to a bundle-format.
If provided, only the specified properties
are considered for processing.
If not provided, all the supported format
properties (e.g. fesm2015, fesm5, es2015,
esm2015, esm5, main, module) in the
package.json are considered. [数组]
-t, --target A relative path (from the `source` path) to
a single entry-point to process (plus its
If this property is provided then
`error-on-failed-entry-point` is forced to
--first-only If specified then only the first matching
package.json property will be compiled.
--create-ivy-entry-points If specified then new `*_ivy_ngcc`
entry-points will be added to package.json
rather than modifying the ones in-place.
For this to work you need to have custom
resolution set up (e.g. in webpack) to look
for these new entry-points.
The Angular CLI does this already, so it is
safe to use this option if the project is
being built via the CLI. [布尔]
--legacy-message-ids Render `$localize` messages with legacy
format ids.
The default value is `true`. Only set this
to `false` if you do not want legacy
message ids to
be rendered. For example, if you are not
using legacy message ids in your
translation files
AND are not doing compile-time inlining of
translations, in which case the extra
message ids
would add unwanted size to the final source
It is safe to leave this set to true if you
are doing compile-time inlining because the
legacy message ids will all be stripped
during translation. [布尔] [默认值: true]
--async Whether to compile asynchronously. This is
enabled by default as it allows
compilations to be parallelized.
Disabling asynchronous compilation may be
useful for debugging. [布尔] [默认值: true]
-l, --loglevel The lowest severity logging message that
should be output.
[可选值: "debug", "info", "warn", "error"]
--invalidate-entry-point-manifest If this is set then ngcc will not read an
entry-point manifest file from disk.
Instead it will walk the directory tree as
normal looking for entry-points, and then
write a new manifest file.
[布尔] [默认值: false]
--error-on-failed-entry-point Set this option in order to terminate
immediately with an error code if an
entry-point fails to be processed.
If `-t`/`--target` is provided then this
property is always true and cannot be
changed. Otherwise the default is false.
When set to false, ngcc will continue to
process entry-points after a failure. In
which case it will log an error and resume
processing other entry-points.
[布尔] [默认值: false]
--tsconfig A path to a tsconfig.json file that will be
used to configure the Angular compiler and
module resolution used by ngcc.
If not provided, ngcc will attempt to read
a `tsconfig.json` file from the folder
above that given by the `-s` option.
Set to false (via `--no-tsconfig`) if you
do not want ngcc to use any `tsconfig.json`
file. [字符串]
--help 显示帮助信息 [布尔]
Done in 7.44s.
ngcc --properties es2015 browser module main --first-only
